Corinne’s work has been featured in The New York Times, BBC, The Financial Times, The Hindu, Wired, Politico EU, De Volkskrant, NRC and several tech outlets. She also regularly writes about her research for the popular press. A recent selection:
Hoe Nederlands is .NL nog? How Dutch is .NL at this point? (Dutch Only)
2024 article by the NRC on the decision of the .NL registry to move part of its operation to AWS.
What will the world look like if we don’t regulate AI by 4040? (Dutch Only)
2024 article by NRC on what type of AI regulation we need in Europe.
Listed as one of 2023’s 100 Brilliant Women in AI: https://womeninaiethics.org/the-list/of-2023/
One Year After the Storming of the US Capitol, What Have We Learned About Content Moderation Through Internet Infrastructure?
2022 Tech Policy Press article with Jenna Ruddock
What is a CDN and how is it linked to the massive Internet outage?
2021 The Hindu article
How hate speech reveals the invisible politics of Internet infrastructure
2020 Brookings Institute Op-ed with Suzanne van Geuns
Is More Cloud the Future That We Want? A Dispatch from the FTC Cloud Summit 2024 op-ed for Tech Policy Press
The Dangers of Moving Key Internet Governance Functions to Amazon’s Cloud: The Case of the Netherlands 2024 op-ed for Tech Policy Press with Bert Hubert
Het Hellende Vlak van SIDN’s Commerciële Ambities op-ed with Bert Hubert (in Dutch only)
2023 + 2022
Loud men, talking loudly: on the exclusionary cultures of internet governance. March 2023 Report for the launch of the critical infrastructure lab.
How can we build a radical internet? February 2023 Blog for the Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy.
One Year After the Storming of the US Capitol, What Have We Learned About Content Moderation Through Internet Infrastructure? 2022 Tech Policy Press Op-Ed with Jenna Ruddock
How can we understand the current + future state of the Internet’s architecture? 2022 Blog for Minderoo Centre Tech & Democracy
Space-Cowboys: What Internet history tells us about the inevitable shortcomings of a tech-bro led Space Race
2021 Tech Policy Press Op-Ed with Becca Lewis
Just Do It: on the limits of governance through AI registers.
In AI Snake Oil, Pseudoscience and Hype, edited by Frederike Kaltheuner. Meat Space Press. Jansen, Fieke and Corinne Cath. 2021.
How the Internet Really Works.
No Starch Press. Knodel, Mallory, Ulrike Uhlig, Niels ten Oever, and Corinne Cath.
The role of human rights NGOs in AI governance.
Conference on inter-cultural ethics.
Oxford December 2019.
How the Internet really works: an illustrated guide
Book for No Starch Press. Knodel, Uhlig, Ten Oever and Cath 2020.
How hate speech reveals the invisible politics of Internet infrastructure
Op-ed for the Brookings Institute. van Geuns & Cath 2020.
What’s wrong with Loud Men talking loudly? The IETF Culture Wars
Contribution for HackCur.io: the (academic) repository on hacking culture. Cath 2020.
Europe cannot afford to “shelter-in-place” on digital regulation
Op-ed for Data & Society. Cath & Kaltheuner 2020.
Why, How, And By Whom Is The Internet Governed?
Interview with the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) Tech & Human Rights Series.
EU laat met aanpak kunstmatige intelligentie cruciale kansen liggen
Op-ed for the Dutch Financial Times (Dutch only). Cath & Kaltheuner 2020.
Risking everything: where the EU’s white paper on AI falls short.
Op-ed for New Statesman. Cath & Kaltheuner 2020.
The Four Problems with Europe’s vision on AI.
2020 Financial Times Article.
Press attribution:
Dr. Corinne Cath is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Delft and a research affiliate at the Minderoo Centre for Democracy & Technology, at the University of Cambridge.

Data is dead: Welcome to the new future of the tech industry. Spui 25 panel conversation with Michael Veale, February 2024
Surviving the Internet? Panel with Geert Lovink about the future of the tech industry. Amsterdam, December 2023.
Data is dead: Welcome to the new future of the tech industry. Spui 25 panel conversation with Michael Veale Feb 2023
2022 + 2023
No AI without infrastructure: cloud computing, power, and industry interest. Talk for REALML online conference. London, May 2023.
Your thoughts for a penny: Capital, complicity and AI ethics. Talk for CPDP conference on paper. Brussels, May 2023.
Loud Men, Talking Loudly: on the exclusionary cultures of internet governance. Report presentation at the launch of the critical infrastructure lab. Amsterdam, April 2023
The Hard Work of the Hum: using ethnography to study power and politics. Talk for the RASP group in the IRTF at IETF 116. Yokohama April 2023.
Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) award talk: The Technology We Choose To Create: Human Rights Advocacy in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). London, November 2022
Human Rights Advocacy in the IETF: Quo Vadis? Talk for the Human Rights Protocol Considerations Group at IETF 115. London November 2022
Plamadiso Talk for the Weizenbaum Institute Berlin: Surfacing Internet infrastructure politics, reflections on how to study opaque internet politics, problems, and protocols. June 2022.
GigaNet’s workshop on Internet Standard Setting Research Methods. Online. January 2022
Response-ability podcast by Dawn Walters: Engineering Cultures and Internet Infrastructure Politics. November 2021. Listen here
No Network is Neutral Podcast by Jenna Ruddock & Justin Sherman: Engineered Innocence. December 2021. Listen here
The Anti-Dystopians by Alina Utrata: Human Rights and Internet Infrastructure. December 2021. Listen here
Show me the Numbers: Workshop on Analyzing IETF data. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) workshop in Amsterdam. November 2021
We Have Met the Enemy: A Critical Anthropological Take on Who Gets to “Do Research Together”. Keynote Dutch National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) Research Conference. The Hague. October 2021
Virtual launch of the Special Issue of Telecommunications Policy on Norm Entrepreneurship in Internet Governance. July 2021
The Invisible Politics of Internet Infrastructure. Alan Turing Institute All Hands Meeting. London. July 2021
The Internet’s Reluctant Sheriffs: Content moderation and political gatekeeping through Internet infrastructure. Oxford Internet Institute seminar. June 2021
Content moderation on the Internet infrastructure level – Where does censorship begin? EURODIG Panel. June 2021.
Civil Society Advocacy in AI Governance: Lessons Learned. 2021 Data Justice Conference of the Data Justice Lab. May 2021.
Building the field of online health and governance. Social Media Governance Initiative at Yale University. May 2021.
The Internet’s reluctant sheriffs.
Oxford Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy Seminar.
November 2020.
The Technology We Choose to Create: Human Rights Advocacy in Internet Governance.
GiGaNet 2020 Conference at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Online.
The Cultures of New and Old Technomedia II.
Panel organizer at 4S/EAST. Online.
August 2020.
We Have Seen the Enemy…and He Is Us: When engineering culture collides with human rights advocacy online.
Oxford Program in Comparative Media Law & Policy Seminar. Oxford, UK.
LEAP of FATE: Human Rights as a complimentary Framework for AI Policy and Practice.
FAT* Barcelona, Spain.
Pakzad, Roya, Mark Latonero, Vidushi Marda, and Corinne Cath.
January 2020.
Policy Work
Providing strategic advice based on novel research into dependencies in the AI ecosystem to the ongoing anti-competition efforts of the US FTC, UK OFCOM, and European Commission.
Advising and reviewing grants for several grant-making organizations, including Digital Freedom Fund (DFF), Open Society Foundations (OSF), Internet Society Foundation (ISOC-F), Mozilla, Stichting Media en Democratie (Stdem), and The Engine Room (TER).
Co-chair of the Public Interest Technology Group (PIT-G): a group of public interest technologists and other civil society members working on Internet standardization.
Contributor to the 2018 Meeting of the Council of Europe’s (COE) Expert Committee on Human Rights Dimensions of Automated Data Processing Techniques and Different Forms of Artificial Intelligence (MSI-AUT).
Contributor to the 2017 Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on ways to bridge the gender digital divide from a human rights perspective.
Contributor to the 2016 and 2017 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
RFC 8280. Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations. Niels Ten Oever and Corinne Cath. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8280/. November 2018.
RFC 8962. Establishing the Protocol Police. Gurshabad Grover, Niels Ten Oever, Corinne Cath and Shivan Sahib. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8962.html. April 2021.
“We know what you did during lockdown”. Short film directed by the Financial Times (FT).
Provided expertise for the development of this short film on the dangers of ubiquitous surveillance. May 2021.